Thursday, December 8, 2011

A purple fairy...

Started my first fairy painting in oil.... first layer done, so many ideas though of how to finalise the background... time will tell what I decide :-)

I love the way this turned out... makes a lovely gift for little girls ;-)

Black and white oil painting for Mynie de la Rey

I've been asked to do my first black and white oil painting... don't understand why I'm so nervous each and every time I take on new work...

The first layer is done... now just needs to dry before I can move on.

So this was my first black and white portrait and rather more challenging in my mind than a colour portrait!

A3 Pencil sketch for Leana Rudolph Smit

Leana requested I do a sketch of her son... and was very pleased with the final product.
It is so gratifying to have a happy client!

Thanks for again approaching me to do a sketch Leana...
you have a beautiful daughter!